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Image by KBO Bike
Sustainable Delivery Transition
From £14,000
what is transitioning to sustainable delivery alternatives?
  • Transitioning to sustainable delivery alternatives is majorly based off of shifting from fossil fuel vehicles to electric ones.
  • We analyse your current operations, assess the impact that switching to a sustainable delivery alternative would have, and proceed to implement the solution.
  • Assessment of the impact that switching to sustainable delivery alternatives would have on your business.
  • Identifying the best form of sustainable delivery alternative between motor-assisted bicycles and electric motorbikes.
  • As part of this, we will provide you with a report outlining the costs and benefits between your current delivery option and the recommended delivery alternative.
  • We will implement the environmentally friendly delivery alternative with the associated marketing material & strategy.
  • Provision of training for your employees and route planning to increase optimisation, further lower costs , and increase the impact that the solution will have on the environment and your marketing campaign.
  • Consumers are increasingly becoming more sustainability conscious, meaning that companies have to implement sustainable solutions in order to remain a priority choice in the consumer's buying decision.
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