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Office Work
Pitch Deck Design
From £3,500
what is pitch deck design?
  • A pitch deck is the startup's storytelling toolkit, a dynamic narrative that showcases your vision, traction, and potential to captivate investors.
  • Think of a pitch deck as your startup's elevator pitch on steroids, designed to grab investor attention and secure funding.
  • We craft a visually stunning 30-slide presentation that translates your business vision into compelling investor narratives.
  • Our pitch decks are packed with charts, graphs, and infographics, designed to highlight your startup's strengths and market potential - we work with a talented copywriter, skilled in persuasion, to woo your potential investors. 
  • Receive a polished PPTX, PDF pitch deck, and template with up to 20 revisions to ensure your presentation is investor-ready.
  • Startups with professionally designed pitch decks raise 30% more funding on average, as they clearly communicate their value proposition.
  • Engaging visuals and data-driven content significantly reduce investor hesitation, leading to a 25% decrease in rejection rates.
  • A well-crafted pitch deck can shorten your fundraising cycle by 40%, getting you the capital you need faster.
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