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Image by MK +2
Product Branding
From £5,000
what is product branding?
  • Product branding is the strategic process of defining and positioning your product in the market to create a unique and compelling identity that resonates with your target audience.
  • We work with you to articulate your brand's values, personality, and messaging, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.
  • We develop a comprehensive colour palette that aligns with your brand values and appeals to your target audience.
  • Five high-quality mockups showcasing your product in various contexts, helping you visualise the application of your branding elements.
  • A comprehensive brand guidelines document that serves as a roadmap for maintaining consistency across all brand touchpoints.
  • Deliver clear and consistent brand messaging that effectively communicates your values, benefits, and value proposition.
  • Enhance brand equity and perception, driving customer loyalty, trust, and advocacy.
  • Ensure consistency across all brand touchpoints, from your website and marketing materials to your products and customer interactions.
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